Added value of 'the arts’ is appreciated in all art forms!
Walls for Graffiti Art
An open air art gallery of
Lively and
Spray-painted walls.

Walls for Graffiti Artworks
Establishing 'Open Air Graffiti Art Galleries'. Such famous cities as Los Angeles, CA, St. Petersburg, FL, Orlando, FL and Milton Keynes, UK has expressed interest.

To establish options for free expression
Collate the relationship between learning in the arts and the developmental academic and social skills of children and youth.

It is the intent of Young Performing Artists (YPAs), Inc. to explore new ways to infuse the creative impulses of young graffiti artists into ‘arts’ education, exhibiting new models of teaching and learning and furthering the positive development of communities, neighborhoods, especially children and youth.
“If we work marble, it will perish;
if we work upon brass, time will efface it;
if we rear temples; they will crumble into dust;
but, if we work upon immortal minds and instill
into them just the principles; we are then engraving
upon tablets which no time will efface, but will
brighten and brighten to all eternity.”
Daniel Webster (1782- 1852); U. S. Statesman and Orator.

Ensures that artists of different art forms are respected equally.
‘The Walls’ Components:
- Building Project: Walls for Graffiti Art
- Open Air Graffiti Art Gallery
Education Project: Studying Graffiti Art History
Advertising Component
Building & Construction Component
Copyrighted: The Steele Organization, LLC
Young Performing Artists (YPAs), Inc.
contact: 352-748-0260
for more information.