Royal Historic Tours

Community Of Royal  – The People Kept Their Land

You’ve been asking & waiting…It’s Here!  Only $7 per view

Royal is one of Florida’s oldest African American communities; 5 miles west of Wildwood. Our ‘40 Acres & A Mule Tour’ will ensure that one of Florida’s oldest African American Communities, founded by former slaves from the Old Green Plantation located near the Withlacoochee River, when slavery was abolished in 1865, is not engulfed, nor enslaved by present new development or its rich heritage vanished from the State of Florida historic landscape. One uniqueness is that Royal is made up of 40 Acres & 80 Acres parcels held from General Sherman’s 40 Acres & A Mule rule # 15.

Click below:

Virtual Tours are available of this beautiful community’s rich history and heritage. 

Check out our BLOG, as a Thank You, we’ve provided additional stories to demonstrate the strong characteristics of how the people were able to preserve, keep then pass down the land through their generations.

Link to purchase a virtual tour


Know someone else who is interested? Click below for Tour Marketing Material PDF; email and invite to visit our site.

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State Issued Historic Marker

Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, and the National Endowment for the Arts.


Royal Citizens…



Community of Royal


[email protected]

Visit our Historic website:  Community Of Royal


Part 1 of the Florida Crossroads Documentary Florida’s Black Heritage Trail : The Central Florida Region features the Community Of Royal, one of Florida’s oldest African American communities where the freed slaves’ descendants still own their 40 Acres & A Mule. The documentary is archived.

To view – Florida’s Black Heritage Trail

Steele’s, our Founder – Book Release

“Hello, Somebody!” Beverly Steele’s 40 Aces & A Mule Stories.. Her People Kept their land! $15

Community of Royal, one of Florida’s oldest African American communities.  Formed in 1865 by freed slaves; the people kept their 40 to 80 acres of land.

Available on Amazon and AmazonSmile.

  Purchase via AmazonSmile, choose Young Performing Artists, Inc. as your charity; Amazon will donate to Young Performing Artists (YPAs), Inc.

Also, Steele is donating a minimum of 10% of sales back to- Young Performing Artists (YPAs), Inc.!

Read this interesting and rare Civil War African American History.

[email protected]     352-748-0260
